7 Common user onboarding mistakes & tips on fixing them

In this lesson, I’m going to provide 7 common mistakes that companies make with user onboarding and offer actionable tips on how to fix them.

User onboarding is one of the most important steps in a user’s journey with your product.

If you get it wrong, there is a high risk that users will become frustrated and leave your product before understanding its value.

Most companies fail at onboarding because they focus too much on their product rather than their users.

Instead of making it easier for users to understand and engage with the product, companies thrust their users will understand without any explanation or guidance.

User onboarding needs to be tailored specifically for each user to ensure they can easily understand and use the product.

Avoid adding unnecessary friction to the signup process

Add as little friction as possible during the signup process.

Make users’ choices obvious, eliminate unnecessary steps and only ask for the necessary information during registration.

Use social logins like (Facebook, Google, and Github)

Refrain from dragging users through a long product tour

Don’t drag users through a long tour of every element of your product - instead, only show them what they need to know right away.

Provide continuous education along their journey as needed.

Use tailored experiences and user segments

Customise onboarding experiences based on user goals or needs.

Tailoring specific onboarding processes ensures your users get the relevant information they need without feeling overwhelmed by an abundance of details they may not care about yet.

Present the right content at the right time

Ensure that you’re providing contextually relevant content throughout the onboarding process based on previous actions, so each step is meaningful for your user’s experience at that particular point in time.

Utilise feedback loops

Collect feedback from new customers through:

  • Surveys
  • Conversations
  • Or other mean

So you can assess your onboarding experience’s success, identify areas for improvement, and uncover new features or products that could be beneficial to further enhance their experience after initial signup.

Utilise continuous onboarding tactics

Use continuous onboarding features like notifications, analytics, and reminders work well together to help deepen engagement over time.

Keep users engaged through personalised messaging campaigns focused on helpful tips throughout his/her journey with your product or service.

Versus relying solely on an introductory lesson during the initial signup process, highlighting key my feature set.

Provide self-serve support options

Equip yourself with knowledge base hubs and multiple communication channels (such as email, live chat or social media) so customers can find solutions quickly and easily without waiting for a service response from a team member, potentially delaying engagement if not addressed promptly.

User onboarding doesn’t have to be difficult or tedious if done properly!

With careful consideration towards usability and optimization, businesses can create an inviting signup experience that encourages customers through every stage of their journey while ensuring they feel comfortable within your platform or site as soon as possible.

By taking these tips into account, you should be well on your way towards creating an effective user onboarding strategy that turns prospects into satisfied paying customers!